Becky & Stephen's Wedding Worsten Mill Stafford
Time to post a few shots from Becky & Stephen's wedding...
The morning started at the brides house with the usual prep shots and details, The girls all very relaxed sipping pink champagne not even the rain was going to spoil this day...and boy did it rain !!
From the brides house I went to meet the lads at the church and at this point the rain was bouncing of the time to dig out those umbrella's.
Following the service we headed over to Worsten mill to finish of the photographs, I started indoors with the groups and managed to get outside for a few shots of the couple.
here are a few from the day.
The rain just kept coming............
time to head indoors for this shot.....
Nothing was going stop Becky getting to the church on time...
all the best guys..thanks for letting me be a part of your special day..