Stephen Sutton: Wedding, Portrait Photographer, Stafford, Midlands, United Kingdom

Hi and welcome to the blog of Stephen Sutton Photography.I'm a professional wedding,portrait and lifestyle photographer based in Stafford within easy reach of Cheshire,Wolverhampton and Birmingham.

Wedding photography,studio portraits and lifestyle portraits are my passion. My studio is based at Milford near shugborough hall with Cannock chase on my doorstep. I can offer both studio portraits and location portraits

I will also be posting some personal work and letting you know of bridal Fayre's and other event i will be attending.

Feel free to leave a comment...Its always great to get feedback on my work.Or become a follower, all welcome. ;)

Friday, February 1, 2008

Return From The Big Apple

OK I promised a few photo's on my return from New York, I actually took 876 photos so I hope you have got some spare time, Just kidding.

I was armed with my old Nikon D100 with prime lens 17 to 55mm f2.8 , this is much lighter that the D2xs that i normally use and also lots less expensive to replace, but a good little travel camera. Anyway on with the photo's.

Grand Central Station one of my favourite places.

Times Square

Statue of liberty

A view from our trip to Liberty.

Finally central park, the Dakota building second right where John Lennon was sadly shot.